
Houm experiences

Let us show you the most authentic Mallorca

Healt & Wellness

Health & Wellness

The WHO understands by "health" this: a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of affections or diseases; while well-being is associated with a state of mental health. 

Many factors help enjoy good health and physical, social, emotional and mental well-being. Today we will focus on the things that everyone can do for themselves to achieve this state... especially on vacation! 

  • Enjoy a long vacation: choose a period to disconnect from the routine and day to day and then choose a destination where you can enjoy and do new things. We cannot do anything but recommend Mallorca at any time of the year! 
  • Take the opportunity to eat well: we already know that the temptations of sweets, sugars and processed foods feel like they brighten your day, but they should not be the basis of your daily diet. 
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco. 
  • Do more sports: choose the one you like the most! More active ones like functional training, cycling or running, or calmer like yoga, Pilates or meditation. Choose your best moment of the day and try to enjoy it always in contact with nature, and as far as possible from pollution and city stress. If you can, give it at least an hour a day. 
  • Treat yourself to a massage: the contact of a person's hands on the body, relaxing muscles and releasing tension, is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Or why not? Give it to whoever you want. 
  • Smile more!

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